Best of 2020 | Nashville Wedding & Family Photographers

What a weird year this has been for us all! As I sit here and write this I don’t know whether or not to make light of 2020 or to point out the fact that it has been one of the hardest years for so many. This year people have experienced so much difficulty- be it financially, physically or emotionally. It, by no means, has been easy for the majority of people. Nobody saw this coming, but we just had to roll with it. It was a year of dodging bullets or taking the hit and still trying to land on your feet while the clock keeps ticking. That’s just it though…the clock keeps ticking and that’s a good thing.
We did not come into 2020 expecting to have wedding after wedding after wedding rescheduled, family sessions moved or cancelled, and we definitely didn’t expect to ever capture a photo of both subjects in our shot to be wearing a cloth on half their face to protect themselves from a freakin’ virus that has taken over the world! What movie is this!?!?!
BUT…through it all, thankfully the cameras didn’t stay too dusty…
People still said their “I do’s”, surprise proposals still resulted in her saying YES!, groomsmen still crawled into their wife’s wedding dress to surprise the groom during the much anticipated first look with his bride only to be horrifyingly surprised, families grew, cakes were destroyed, fireworks were shot off during the reception, there were kisses, there were hugs, happy tears were shed, kids still wouldn’t smile at the camera, but the dog….the dog did…the dog smiled at the camera. This is 2020.
Without turning a blind eye to the struggles of life, we DO find joy in capturing that which brings joy. Hope these photos make you smile…even if it’s behind a mask…hasn’t it been beautiful to know what a smile looks like in someone’s eyes.